
脱水筛可用于脱水-4目(5毫米)沙子颗粒, 煤炭, 铁矿石, 盐, 等., 以及有限的效率精细上浆, 洗涤和漂洗, 脱泥和有机物筛选.


脱水筛有各种各样的应用, 包括脱水, 脱泥, degritting, 冲洗, 擦洗, 上浆和洗涤. 它们的设计目的是产生一致的无滴漏菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,并处理沙子等材料, 砾石, 碎料, 压裂砂, 工业金沙, 矿物砂, 坚硬的岩石, 贵金属矿石, 煤炭, 铁矿石, 盐和其他颗粒状物质.

Surface moisture as low as 7% has been achieved 用菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水筛; however, 最终湿度取决于表面面积, 表面形态, 接触角. 更好的材料, such as those processed in fines recovery systems where the material is 100% passing 100 mesh (150 µm), 会脱水到无滴水的稠度吗, 它传递和堆叠, 但表面水分含量可能超过20%.



使物料有效脱水, 浆料被送入陡床, downward inclined screen surface at the feed end of the 脱水筛 to achieve rapid drainage. A pool of water begin forms in the valley as material builds up on the slightly upward inclined surface. Counter-rotating vibratory motors (or mechanical exciters on the largest of 脱水屏幕) create a linear motion at an angle to the screen surface that accelerates the solids upward 和 forward at 5 G. 这, 随着一个慷慨的笔画长度, 使水通过颗粒之间无数的开口来促进液滴的形成.

运动的突然逆转使水从物质中分离出来, 水滴通过屏幕介质. 固体通过这种直线运动被输送到筛网上. 屏幕的上坡, 还有一个排水堰, 形成一个作为过滤介质的深床, 允许保留比筛网开口细得多的材料. 厚的材料层促进了良好的保留,同时允许水通过.

哪里需要更清洁的材料, 交叉坝和喷雾棒可以包括协助洗涤过程, 解放通过媒体传播的罚款. 使用稀释的饲料和额外的喷雾水,这些筛网可以影响一些有限的尺寸. 脱水屏幕 can be used for limited efficiency fine sizing at or above 10 mesh (2 mm) to create differential products, for stone 洗涤和漂洗 <2” (-50 mm) aggregates prior to loadout, 脱泥, 用于垃圾/有机物脱水/筛选.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水筛是 基于原始Velco脱水筛 that were developed for use in mineral processing plants in the mid-1970s 和 are now the predominant dewatering device for granular materials. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 enhanced this design using a crossbeam structure that makes the machine more robust 和 easier to maintain. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水筛设计用于最低限度的维护. 螺栓连接设计允许无需切割或焊接即可更换组件. 安装时,操作人员几乎不需要培训,并且产生的噪音最小.

这是对原始设计的又一改进, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全为重型应用设计了屏幕媒体. 这种媒体的特点是纵向字符串的全长支持. 紧公差, full-length urethane-to-urethane engagement virtually eliminates the entry of the process material at screen section interfaces, preventing troublesome wear points that can occur when using pin-和-sleeve 和 multi-point supported media.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 pioneered the use of longitudinal dividers to allow as many as three products to be dewatered on one screen. 许多应用程序的特点是双流进程, but 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 脱水屏幕 allow up to one fine stream 和 two coarse streams to be kept separate or blended to create specialty products.

与典型的人相比 细料螺旋垫圈,最后的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全通常将至少干燥10%与麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水筛. 因为麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的设备种类繁多, 脱水筛可与其它工艺设备组合使用, 如螺旋垫圈, 水力旋流器 和 分隔符™. 某些类型的洗涤过程(如.g. double wash) can benefit from a Screw Washer as a primary washing device supplemented by the 脱水筛 for a drier product.



菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's UltraDRY is a skid-mounted 脱水筛 designed to fit under any br和 of s和 screw to improve final product dryness. It can also be installed on an inclined orientation with the use of spacer blocks to dewater underflow from a Hydrocyclone or Separator ™ to a drip-free consistency that is stackable, 可运输并准备立即出售. 紧凑, 模块化设计使其快速和容易的设置和移动从一个站点到另一个站点的需求变化. 



一些应用程序经历了一个 含水率低至7%菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水筛, 但最终含水率取决于表面含水率和固有含水率. 当按重量报告水分时(kg水/kg纸浆), 固体的比重也是一个影响因素, 具有较高比重的材料显示较低的水分含量. 如果你把所有的水从颗粒之间的空隙中除去, the only water left is that which is adsorbed as a thin film on the outside surface or as inherent moisture within the material itself (some brown 煤炭s can contain up to 20% inherent moisture). 因此, 处理的材料越细,表面越不规则, 水分含量越高. Certain materials are also more hydrophobic or hydrophilic, which also affects the residual water. It is also important to underst和 that a 脱水筛’s action is critical to creating droplet formation on the underside of the bed of material. 卡尔斯鲁厄大学对这种振幅和频率的组合进行了研究, 谁提出了这一行动的建议.

在脱水筛的早期,聚氨酯销和套筒设计的介质是常见的. 从那时起, 平行发展发生了, 额定容量增加了(在某些情况下翻了一番),并且出现了更健壮的媒体设计. 今天, pin 和 sleeve style designs are perfectly adequate 和 appropriate for sizing screen applications; however, 脱水筛上的重负荷和剧烈动作, 很少有介质制造商可以匹配应用所需的机械完整性. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 spent a long time researching 和 working on designs to match the need 和 the result is a longitudinal rail style system with urethane-to-urethane connections between the media 和 the stringers -- this type of interface doesn’t fail. The frequency of replacement of media in 脱水屏幕 is such that no manufacturer or representative is going to lose much downstream revenue, 但最终用户总是受益于更好的系统.

Several factors need to be taken into consideration when designing a support structure for a 脱水筛, 包括部队, 固有频率和多单元装置. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can provide design criteria 和 assistance; call our offices for support or contact us now. 作为快速指南, 脱水屏幕 should never be underestimated in their ability to shake a structure with their mass 和 the 900 rpm 和 10 mm amplitude. Multiple 脱水筛 installations can be a challenge with harmonics; occasionally a beat will be experienced. 在某些情况下,通过地面的振动传递可以在其他结构中体验到. Good design practices include placing columns directly under the support points 和 substantial foundations to provide mass. Always allow 3” (75 mm) of clearance to other components in the direction of action (longitudinal to the screen) so no impact occurs when the vibratory motors or exciters go out of phase during shut down. Electric cables should always be supported/suspended from above directly to the junction box 和 never draped over vibrating components. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s 脱水筛 motors come with sealed junction boxes with long extended cables to connect into the electrical circuit.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的工作人员率先使用甲板分隔器来允许 两种甚至三种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全同时脱水. Producing a fine product on one side 和 a coarse product on the other with the facility to blend is part of the st和ard offering from 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 工艺工程师将协助申请,以确保考虑到所有因素. Extensive out-of-balance loading (one or more of the products not being fed for long periods of time) can decrease the lifespan of the equipment.

脱水筛的最小孔径通常为50目(0.3 mm), so you will expect to see some of that size fraction 和 finer in the underflow of the screen. Not all of that fraction will pass through due to the very nature of caking style screens; fines are captured in the bed formed on top of the media. 通过屏幕的可用部分可以用几种方法处理. 最简单的方法是返回给屏幕的设备. 在流量较大的情况下,可以使用专用的清除电路.

特性 & 好处
  • 更清洁的操作环境,更少的输送机溢出物需要清理
  • 更容易清洗皮带,降低输送机维护成本
  • 一致无滴漏放电
  • 干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的堆积角度更陡
  • 更好的库存管理,更短的库存周期
  • 减少库存周围的水,减少移动设备的磨损
  • 在同一屏幕上冲洗和脱水
  • 采用分层甲板设计,在一台机器上对多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全进行脱水
  • 向上倾斜,具有一致的脱水和进料冲击能力
  • 减少浪费的水,改善家务
  • 用水力旋流器或筛板弯曲回收系统控制级配
  • 哈克螺栓,横梁结构刚性和易于维护
  • 重型聚氨酯筛网介质和附件系统


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